What I Do

I am an International Coaching Federation-trained coach who works with…

  • individuals dealing with issues impacting their lives, including career, family, and relationships;

  • clergy who are dealing with ministry-related issues which may—or may not—be impacting their lives outside ministry;

  • congregations in the midst of transition in terms of their mission, vision, and/or ministries.

Coaching is rooted in the conviction that all human beings…

  • are creative, resourceful, and whole;

  • possess the answers they are seeking within themselves;

  • and have the ability to discover and act upon them. 

In effect, it’s the coach’s job to midwife this process of discovery through active listening, thought-provoking questioning, and encouragement of alternate ways of understanding. The process of discovery is always in service to action. Each coaching session will result in specific, concrete steps the client and coach arrive at together—steps that will move the client closer to achieving her/his desired outcome.

Coaching is not…

  • therapy, although it can be therapeutic;

  • consulting, although it can result in identifying problems and their solution;

  • mentoring, although it may draw upon my own experiences in the process of exploring yours;

  • spiritual direction, although, if you’re a person of faith, it may result in a deeper understanding of your spiritual journey.

I will meet you wherever you happen to be in your life journey and we will walk as much of your journey together as we appropriately and productively can. I will be fully present for you, I will encourage you, I will sensitively confront you when necessary, and I will always tell you the truth.